New Free Route on Apple Strudel Wall

This application is to place four lead bolts on a new route

Route NameTBD
LocationApple Strudel Wall

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Place four lead bolts on new route

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3 replies
  1. SteveEldo
    SteveEldo says:

    This looks like an excellent addition to the wall. The bolting appears in character with the neighboring routes. Given the difficulty reaching the Strudel Slab, (Apple Strudel P1, The Untouchables) or the funkiness of Blueberry Boodle, it will no doubt become the popular way to get there.

  2. tonybubb
    tonybubb says:

    A few new bolts through new territory to link up existing climbable lines?
    Sure, always in favor of new lines and options when they do not encroach.
    Will get on this one to try it out next time I am in the area and it is warm enough out.

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3 replies
  1. SteveEldo
    SteveEldo says:

    This looks like an excellent addition to the wall. The bolting appears in character with the neighboring routes. Given the difficulty reaching the Strudel Slab, (Apple Strudel P1, The Untouchables) or the funkiness of Blueberry Boodle, it will no doubt become the popular way to get there.

  2. tonybubb
    tonybubb says:

    A few new bolts through new territory to link up existing climbable lines?
    Sure, always in favor of new lines and options when they do not encroach.
    Will get on this one to try it out next time I am in the area and it is warm enough out.

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